1. We hire and train men to be deployed for security and safety services
2. We train people on occupational health and safety in the workplace.
3. We vert and issue safety certifications and licensing to graduants from 2 above in line with ISPON & WSO guidelines.
4. We conduct work assessment and do a workplace retraining of staff for our clients
Become a world-class security and safety company, that will profer adequate solutions to safety and security issues of our clients. To provide topnotch physical security options like bodyguard services, property protection, military and police escort services amongst others.
Teeming with experienced consultants and analysts and a 1000 men workforce within 3years
To cover the Nigerian market and expanding across Africa as quickly as possible
Become a world-class security and safety company, that will profer adequate solutions to safety and security issues of our clients. To provide topnotch physical security options like bodyguard services, property protection, military and police escort services amongst others.
To make a seven digit profit after tax within our first three years of operations